Almost time for our first event with Ali Affleck & The Copper Cats! We spoke to Ali earlier today and she told us:“I’ve always felt a calling to New Orleans and its early music … I spent a huge amount of time there when I was living full time in the USA and as the months went by I found myself insatiable! I wanted to find every old forgotten song by the equally forgotten ladies who pioneered this music!
This is a work in progress and a life time passion but with this first performance I am delighted to bring some work by a few of the outspoken ladies of early blues and jazz…. along with a couple of songs that are important in the evolution of the artform.There is more to the birth of the blues and jazz than Bessie Smith and Ethel waters ( of course both fabulous performers too) and I hope you’ll join me in finding out a few more names to add to your own personal musical journey “